1.1c Demonstrate that they are working in accordance with the agreed ways of working with their employer

To demonstrate that you are working in accordance with your employer’s agreed ways of working, you will need to show that you adhere to your organisation’s policies and procedures in your day to day practice.


Your employer will tell you how they want you to work – this can either be verbally or recorded in policies and procedures. These are agreed ways of working between employers and employees.

By ensuring that your practice is in line with agreed ways of working, you will be ensuring that you are working within legal frameworks and those of best practice. Not following agreed ways of working could result in inadvertent harm being caused to yourself or others.


Examples of agreed ways of working include:

  • Reporting health and safety concerns to your manager
  • Delivering care and support in line with an individual’s care plan
  • Following correct procedures when administering medication
  • Assisting an individual to make a formal complaint using the complaints procedure
  • Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) correctly
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