10.2b Explain the importance of individualised, person centred care

Person-centred care means putting the individual in charge of their own care and working with them to plan their care and support to meet their unique needs. It cuts down the risk of negative or harmful treatment and neglect and lets the individual choose and control how they want their care and support to be.


This involves active participation, a way of working that makes sure an individual can take part in the relationships and activities of daily life as independently as possible. It encourages the individual to make their own choices, assess and take risks. If they learn to understand the consequences of their decisions, they can contribute to their own safeguarding and improve the quality of their care.

Individualised, person-centred care enhances an individual’s involvement and helps them to develop their independence. As such, you should provide care that is individualised and person-centred at all times. Following the six principles of safeguarding adults will help with this and will be covered in the next section.

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