13.8a Describe the measures that are designed to protect their own security at work, and the security of those they support

Your organisation will have security measures in place that are designed to protect their own security at work and the security of those they support. You should familiarise yourself with them so you can do your part to stop intruders and prevent individuals from becoming the victims of crime. These are some examples of common security measures:

  • challenging any strangers you find on the premises or in restricted areas
  • requiring visitors to secure premises to sign a visitor book
  • setting alarms where they are fitted
  • checking the identity of individuals who ring and ask for information

Outside doors should be locked and fitted with a doorbell to prevent unauthorised access, and you should never let in visitors or give out information unless you have consent to do so. If you need more guidance about security measures, you can talk to your manager about this.

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