2.2g List the learning opportunities available to them and how they can use them to improve the way they work

When you receive constructive feedback, you should use it as a valuable learning opportunity. Whether it be through a discussion with your colleagues or an appraisal with your manager, it is vital that you act upon what you learn. Through these learning opportunities, you can identify ways to improve the way you work and put those improvements into practice.


Consider this situation. During an appraisal, your manager might mention that you need to do a better job of communicating what the individual you care for wants. You could then learn from this and make sure that you are more clear when communicating the individual’s needs. This improvement will then ensure that the care given is more person-centred.

Once you’ve identified a shortcoming, the next step is to act on it. It is important that you listen to feedback, but also reflect upon that feedback and make changes to improve. This will help you gain the ability to meet the standards required as you progress.

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