6.5a Demonstrate the use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication: Verbal: Tone, Volume Nonverbal: Position/ proximity, Eye contact, Body language, Touch, Signs, Symbols and pictures, Writing, Objects of reference, Human and technical aids Communication may take place: face to face, by telephone or text, by email, internet or social networks, by written reports or letters

It is important that you communicate with individuals in an appropriate manner. This can mean doing a number of things. You should sit or stand a moderate distance from the individual you are communicating with; not too close, not too far away. You should maintain eye contact and make your that you are maintaining friendly body language and a friendly facial expression.


If you need to touch the individual, you should make sure they consent first. If an individual has a preferred way of communication you should use that method of communication. For example, if they prefer sign language, you should communicate using sign language if you are capable of doing so. If they have trouble communicating, you should use technical aids that are in working order or request a human aid.

Communication does not only involve speaking and writing, it also requires you to listen and read. Sometimes communication will be done through telephone, email, writing and more. However you communicate, always be respectful, try to match your method of communication to the individual’s needs and preferences, and be aware of confidentiality.

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