7.4a Demonstrate how to support individuals to make informed choices

To promote an individual’s dignity, they should be fully involved in any decision that affects their care. This involves both big and small decisions. They should be equally as involved in choosing what to eat one day as wider decisions about their care as a whole.


Part of this is helping individuals to make informed choices. These are choices the individual makes while being aware of the risks and possible implications. Knowing what to expect, they can weigh their options and make a choice that is best for them. You can help an individual make an informed choice in a number of ways such as by explaining information, by finding people who can share their experiences, by asking for the help of specialist workers and by involving other people the individual trusts such as family.

It is important that you help them come to a decision on their own rather than making a decision for them. This will help the individuals you care for maintain their independence and have a higher quality level of care.

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