Standard 8: Fluids and Nutrition

Standard 8 of the Care Certificate explores the principles of hydration, nutrition and food safety and how to support individuals with this in accordance with their care plan.


Learning Outcomes & Assessment Criteria

Learning OutcomeAssessment Criterion
8.1 Understand the principles of hydration, nutrition and food safety 8.1a Describe the importance of food safety, including hygiene, in the preparation and handling of food
8.1b Explain the importance of good nutrition and hydration in maintaining health and wellbeing
8.1c List signs and symptoms of poor nutrition and hydration
8.1d Explain how to promote adequate nutrition and hydration
8.2 Support individuals to have access to fluids in accordance with their plan of care8.2a Ensure drinks are within reach of those that have restrictions on their movement/ mobility
8.2b Ensure that drinks are refreshed on a regular basis
8.2c Ensure that individuals are offered drinks in accordance with their plan of care
8.2d Support and encourage individuals to drink in accordance with their plan of care
8.2e Know how to report any concerns to the relevant person. This could include: Senior member of staff, Carer, Family member
8.3 Support individuals to have access to food and nutrition in accordance with their plan of care8.3a Ensure any nutritional products are within reach of those that have restrictions on their movement/ mobility
8.3b Ensure food is provided at the appropriate temperature and in accordance with the plan of care i.e. the individual is able to eat it
8.3c Ensure that appropriate utensils are available to enable the individual to meet their nutritional needs as independently as possible
8.3d Support and encourage individuals to eat in accordance with their plan of care
8.3e Know how to report any concerns to the relevant person. This could include: Senior member of staff, Carer, Family member
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