8.1d Explain how to promote adequate nutrition and hydration

When caring for an individual, you will need to make an assessment about their nutrition and hydration. It should include their allergies, likes and dislikes, and whether they need any support to eat and drink or not. Once this is done, you should provide food in a person-centred way that suits the needs of the individual. For example, if an individual is unable to eat meat because of their beliefs, you should not serve them food that contains meat.


Individuals may also have certain dietary requirements that you should follow to ensure they stay healthy. This may mean not giving individuals with diabetes food high in sugar or not giving individuals with a high blood pressure food that has a lot of salt on it. When you do your assessment it is vital that you ask if an individual has any dietary requirements as it could harm their health if they are served food not suited to these requirements.

They may also have trouble eating because of a number of things such as forgetfulness caused by dementia or a visual impairment and may need the support of equipment such as one-way straws or non-slip mats to eat. Whatever the case, it is important that you treat them with dignity and respect and take steps to promote their nutrition and hydration.

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