9.3b. Describe how to report concerns associated with any unmet needs which may arise from mental health conditions, dementia or learning disability through agreed ways of working.

If you think that an individual is developing symptoms of a mental health problem or other condition which may change their support needs, you should report this by recording the information and passing it on. If an individual’s changing condition and needs are not identified, the quality of their care and well-being could suffer as a result.


Who you pass your concerns on to and how you do this differs based on your workplace and your role. Irregardless of this, make sure to follow your workplace’s agreed ways of working when recording your observations to make sure that no information is lost or misinterpreted. You should ensure the information you record is accurate, clear, concise and non-ambiguous.

It is extremely important that you pass any information or concerns on as soon as possible to ensure any problems can be identified before they fully develop. We will go over why this is so important in more detail in the next section.

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