9.4b. Give examples of how and why adjustments to care and support might need to be made when a mental health condition, dementia or learning disability is identified.

When an individual is diagnosed as living with a mental health need or other condition, adjustments may need to made to their care to account for their new needs. An individual’s care and support needs may change over time, so this ensures that the care they receive remains person-centred.


You may need to develop new skills such as Makaton so you are still able to communicate with the individual if they are not able to communicate verbally. You may also need to learn how to use assistive technology such as locator devices as well. The individuals themselves also need to learn how to use this technology and and communicate non-verbally.

You should also make sure that individuals are protected from abuse as those living with a mental health need or other condition are more vulnerable to abuse. Make sure you are following any agreed ways of working to ensure individuals remain protected no matter how their condition develops.

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