4.4 Describe how feedback from others has developed own knowledge, skills and understanding

Qualification: Level 2 Diploma in Care
Unit name: Personal development in care settings
Learning outcome: 4. Be able to develop own knowledge, skills and understanding
Assessment criteria: 4.4 Describe how feedback from others has developed own knowledge, skills and understanding


Feedback from others is a great way to assess your performance and identify areas where you could improve.


You manager will often provide you with feedback on your performance and it is important that you use this information to improve your practice and do not take it personally. Feedback that may appear to be negative is very often not meant to be apportioning blame but instead to provide a learning opportunity.

You may describe how a feedback from a disabled service user’s mother made you aware that the tone of voice you use when conversing with them sounded (inadvertently) patronising. You were then able to work on developing your voice tone so that it is more appropriate.


Or your manager may have explained to you that your co-workers find it difficult to read your written notes because of the legibility your handwriting. This feedback gives you the opportunity to take more time when writing or write in block capitals for the benefit of the team.

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