1.2 Describe different working relationships in care settings

Qualification: Level 2 Diploma in Care, Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care
Unit name: Responsibilities of a care worker
Learning outcome: 1. Understand working relationships in care settings
Assessment criteria: 1.2 Describe different working relationships in care settings


Within a care setting, there are several types of working relationships that can be defined by the individuals that make up the relationship. There are working relationships between:

  • Care staff and service users (including service users’ family)
  • Care staff and their co-workers
  • Care staff and managers
  • Care staff and other professionals

All of these relationships must remain professional during the course of work activities.

Care staff will need to maintain professional boundaries between themselves and the service users they care for. This also extends to the families and friends of the service user. Although it is sometimes inevitable that a care worker will become fond of the service users that they care for, these professional boundaries must still remain.


Care staff should also remain professional with their colleagues. It is okay for friendships to form between co-workers and personal relationships can happen outside of the work environment and working hours, however whilst at work formality and professionalism should be maintained.

Care staff will have working relationships with their managers and should report any concerns they have to them.


Care staff will also have relationships with other professionals. This could include health and clinical staff, such as General Practitioners (GPs), nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists. There may also be professional relationships with others such as appointees, advocates, social workers and community volunteers.

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