2.4 Contribute to quality assurance processes to promote positive experiences for individuals receiving care

Qualification: Level 2 Diploma in Care, Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care
Unit name: Responsibilities of a care worker
Learning outcome: 2. Be able to work in ways that are agreed with the employer
Assessment criteria: 2.4 Contribute to quality assurance processes to promote positive experiences for individuals receiving care

The responsibility to manage quality assurance within a care setting, usually falls to the manager, however all care staff should contribute to the process.


Quality assurance involves ensuring that care provision meets and exceeds expectations to promote positive experiences for the individuals that receive care.

This can be achieved in several ways. Regular reviews of policies, procedures and care plans to help to identify areas that may need to be revised. Similarly, asking the individuals that you care about their experience of their care delivery can generate valuable feedback and insights. This can extend to the individual’s family and other professionals that you work in partnership with.


Your contribution to quality assurance will vary depending upon your role but it may include handing out surveys to service users and assisting them to fill them in, raising concerns with workplace practices to your manager or communicating ideas that may improve the service you provide in team meetings.

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