2.1 Identify the signs and/ or symptoms associated with each of the following types of abuse: physical abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, emotional/psychological abuse, financial/material abuse, modern slavery, discriminatory abuse, institutional/organisational abuse, self neglect, neglect by others

Qualification: Level 2 Diploma in Care, Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care
Unit name: Safeguarding and Protection in Care Settings
Learning outcome: 2. Know how to recognise signs of abuse
Assessment criteria: 2.1 Identify the signs and/ or symptoms associated with each of the following types of abuse: physical abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, emotional/psychological abuse, financial/material abuse, modern slavery, discriminatory abuse, institutional/organisational abuse, self neglect, neglect by others

The Care Act 2014 identifies ten different types of abuse and neglect. The table below describes some of the signs and symptoms of each category:

Type Signs/Symptoms
Physical abuse Historical injuries, unexplained injuries, broken bones, bruising, scalds, burns, bites, hair loss, fear and anxiety in the presence of a particular person
Domestic abuse Any of the signs and symptoms of other types of abuse
Sexual abuse Pain around genital areas, pain or discomfort when sitting or walking, bloodstained underwear or bedding, unexplained pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases
Emotional / psychological abuse Anxiety, depression, unhealthy sleeping or eating patterns, fear, low self-esteem, low confidence
Financial / material abuse Lack of money or possessions, unexplained bank transactions, poor living conditions, not having enough money to pay basic living expenses
Modern slavery Signs of other abuse, reluctance to interact socially, always with others, lack of documentation or ID, having few or no personal possessions, unable to speak the language, unfamiliarity with surroundings
Discriminatory abuse Verbal abuse, harassment, stereotyping, prejudice, exclusion
Institutional / organisational abuse Service users not having basic needs met, poor management, poor staff training and knowledge, lack of resources, lack of person-centred values, poor standards
Self-neglect Malnutrition, dehydration, pressure ulcers, lack of personal hygiene, dirty clothing, unclean home
Neglect by others Same as self-neglect


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