Evaluate how learning activities have affected practice

Qualification:Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care
Unit name: Personal Development in Care Settings
Learning outcome: 5. Be able to use learning opportunities and reflective practice to contribute to personal development
Assessment criteria: 5.1 Evaluate how learning activities have affected practice

To evaluate how learning activities have affected your practice, it will be necessary to reflect on what you have learned and assess if has informed or impacted your work in any way. You should assess the positive aspects of the learning activity as well as areas where you feel you may require additional learning.


Learning activities can include:

  • Formal training
  • Shadowing
  • Induction
  • Coaching and mentoring programs

For example, you may have gone on a training course to learn Makaton as a result of a new service user that communicates using this method. After working with the individual and reflecting on your practice, you may observe that you find communication with the individual a lot easier and are able to provide higher quality care, however, their vocabulary is larger than your own and sometimes they use signs that you do not understand. You may use these insights to arrange to go on a more advanced Makaton course or work to increase your vocabulary using online resources.

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