Describe the reasons for early intervention when meeting children’s additional needs

Qualification: NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator
Unit: Unit 3.13: Support children with additional needs
Learning outcome: Understand the role of early intervention in partnership working
Assessment criteria: Describe the reasons for early intervention when meeting children’s additional needs

Early intervention has been proven to be highly beneficial when addressing the additional needs of young children in early years settings. It is important that early years practitioners have a clear understanding of why early intervention is important and how it can improve outcomes.

The Need for Intervening Early

Early intervention is best defined as the process of intervening with children who may have additional needs as soon as possible. This approach aims to reduce or even eliminate further difficulties that may arise if the issue is left untreated. Early intervention also seeks to help children reach their full potential by providing supports and resources that are tailored to their individual needs.

The Impact of Early Intervention on Children’s Development

Research has shown that early intervention can have a positive effect on a child’s development, especially when it comes to issues related to language, social skills, and cognitive ability. For example, research has found that introducing interventions such as speech therapy at an early age can significantly improve a child’s language development and help them better express their thoughts and emotions. Additionally, introducing interventions such as social skills training can help children with communication difficulties build better relationships with peers and adults alike. Finally, cognitive interventions such as structured play activities can help improve a child’s problem-solving skills and executive functioning capabilities while allowing them to explore new concepts in an enjoyable way.

Importance of Collaboration in Early Intervention Programs

It is essential for early years practitioners to remember that effective early intervention plans involve more than just providing the necessary supports; collaboration among different stakeholders (e.g., parents, teachers, specialists) is key for successful outcomes. This type of collaboration allows practitioners to develop comprehensive plans tailored specifically for each individual child and ensure everyone involved has an understanding of the goals being set forth. Additionally, collaboration allows parents/caregivers to stay involved in the process so they can provide support as needed at home and monitor progress over time.


In conclusion, early intervention is incredibly important when meeting the additional needs of young children in early years settings due to its positive impacts on their development across various domains (e.g., language, social skills). Practitioners should strive to collaborate with other stakeholders in order to create tailored plans that meet each child’s individual needs while allowing parents/caregivers opportunities to stay involved throughout the process. Ultimately, successful implementation of these plans will result in improved outcomes for all involved.

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