13.1c Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of: self, the employer or manager, others in the work setting

Yourself, your employer and others in the work setting have several health and safety responsibilities that you should uphold at all times. These are covered below.


Your health and safety responsibilities:

You are responsible for taking reasonable care of yourself and others in the workplace. You are required to follow the policies and procedures of your workplace and not act in a way that will cause harm or ill health to others or yourself. Any task you do must not put an individual at risk, regardless of their individual needs. You should report any hazards and deal with them as you are instructed to.


Your employer’s health and safety responsibilities:

Your employer has many responsibilities that will likely be carried out by a line manager. They must ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees by putting in place policies and procedures and ensuring there is enough time and money to put safety at the centre of all tasks. Mainly, they must provide a safe place to work, necessary training and work equipment that is appropriate and safe.


Responsibilities of others:

Everyone in the workplace should avoid actions that harm others, act respectfully and not cause any property damage. Any known health and safety hazards that might affect others should also always be reported.

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