Compare different uses of risk-assessment in care settings

Qualification: Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care
Unit name: Implement person-centred approaches in care settings
Learning outcome: 7. Understand the role of risk-assessment in enabling a person-centred approach
Assessment criteria: 7.1 Compare different uses of risk-assessment in care settings

Risk assessments are very important in care settings and are used to minimise or eliminate the risk of harm or damage.


The risks assessment process involves the following steps:

  1. Identify potential hazards
  2. Identify who or what could be harmed or damaged and how
  3. Evaluate the risk and identify measures to reduce them
  4. Document your findings (usually on a risk assessment form)
  5. Review regularly

Some of the uses of risk assessments include:

  • To maintain high standards of health and safety for all (e.g. moving and handling, fire safety etc.)
  • To ensure the safety of individuals receiving care (e.g risk of scalds, infection control etc.)
  • To ensure the safety of individuals with specific needs (e.g. risks from mobility issues, risks of being taken advantage of due to vulnerability etc.)
  • To ensure the safety of staff with specific needs (e.g. recovering from an operation, pregnancy etc.)
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