1.3 Define the following terms: physical abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, emotional/psychological abuse, financial/material abuse, modern slavery, discriminatory abuse, institutional/organisational abuse, self neglect, neglect by others

Qualification: Level 2 Diploma in Care, Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care
Unit name: Safeguarding and Protection in Care Settings
Learning outcome: 1. Understand principles of safeguarding adults
Assessment criteria: 1.3 Define the following terms: physical abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, emotional/psychological abuse, financial/material abuse, modern slavery, discriminatory abuse, institutional/organisational abuse, self neglect, neglect by others


Abuse and neglect are often categorised into these ten different types:

Type Description
Physical abuse Punching, kicking, biting, scratching, scalding, burning, inappropriate restraint, confinement, forcibly feeding, withholding food, misuse of medication
Domestic abuse Controlling or coercive behaviour, physical/financial/emotional/sexual abuse, harassment, intimidation, isolation, threats, degradation
Sexual abuse Sexual activity where the individual does not have the capacity to consent, non-consensual sexual activity, inappropriate touching, non-consensual use of pornography, indecent exposure, sexual harassment
Emotional / psychological abuse Social isolation, prevention of choice, intimidation, coercion, harassment, humiliation, bullying(including cyber-bullying), threats, infantilisation, failure to respect privacy
Financial / material abuse Theft (money and possessions), fraud, scamming, duress, misuse of allowance or benefits, exploitation, use of other person’s property (including living in their home rent-free)
Modern slavery Human trafficking, forced labour, domestic servitude, exploitation
Discriminatory abuse Unequal treatment based on protected characteristics defined in the Equality Act 2010, prolonged harassment, prejudice or stereotyping, verbal abuse
Institutional / organisational abuse Lack of resources, misuse of medication, prevention of choice, poor care, inadequate (or non-existing) complaints procedure
Self-neglect Risk to individual’s health and safety from not careing for themselves adequately, failure to seek support, inability or unwillingness to manage personal hygiene, daily living tasks or prevent self-harm
Neglect by others Failure to administer medication correctly, prevention of access to living needs (e.g. food, shelter etc.), care that is not person-centred, prevention of choice, failure to respect privacy and dignity

The signs and symptoms of each of these types of abuse can be found here.

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